It seems that everything good, big and worth waiting for comes out at the worst time possible: end of the Fall semester. But yet we eagerly await these releases, not keeping in mind, or maybe avoiding to consider, the fact that we're going to have to stuff more of this stuff in our already much filled lives.
Among all the activities, friends, school-work, home-work, lab-work, last-minute projects, last-minute studying, fixing that insignificant but still unavoidable technical-problem that will invariantly come up with the new iPhone update, computer software, or another electronic device, we will now be able to look forward to evenings with the following, starting on:
Monday, September 14 at 9pm Gossip Girl season three premiers on The CW and starts off the school term nicely.
Exactly a week later on Monday, September 21 at 8pm Heroes season four premiers on NBC forcing GG fans like me to turn to the internet to watch both shows.
Sunday, September 27 at 9pm on ABC Desperate Housewives season six premiers, that makes three shows per week as midterms approach.
sorry, no teaser to be found :(
Tuesday, November 17 whenever stores open Assassin's Creed 2 is out for all XBox Assassins out there; practically the worst time to start playing a game.
First show at the movies on Friday, November 20 first show New Moon is available for all Twilighters to line up for, even if its for just those first and last moments with Edward.
Ruining my thread of complaints is the release date for Sherlock Holmes, Christmas day, Friday, December 25, perfect for everybody and not just those of us whose Semester was laced beautifully with bad-timed releases.
What makes this perfect is that Aamir's next big movie comes on the same day. 3 Idiots, while failing to come up with a trailer, will probably haul in more watchers than other heavily-advertised movies. It is apparently the first of the top ten most anticipated Bollywood films of the coming year according to a January 2009 Bollywood Hungama survey.
Straying a little from our topic, or perhaps continuing the theme, next semester starts off with Hrithik's 10th anniversary as an actor on Friday, January 15 next year, marked nicely with the release of his latest, and much awaited (by me at least) film Kites.
It seems that October has been forgiven. Yay, midterms might still be saved! :)
Mom Has Stacked Dinner Party Roster
8 years ago